# Family

Snails can belong to one of 5 different families.

  • Each family has a different letter assigned for its gene.
  • Each snail has 20 genes in its genome. The most dominant gene determines its family.
  • Both parents randomly pass on 10 genes to the offspring's genetic sequence. For each slot only one parent can provide a gene. For instance, for a Nth slot gene, it can either be female parent's Nth slot gene or male parent's Nth slot gene. See the related image in DNA page.
  • While the quantity of genes is important for reproduction, its order in the genetic sequence is not changing the family type.

Genesis Snails have the following genetic sequence:

Family Gene Genesis Genome Random Gene Pool
Atlantis X 11X + 2A + 1M + 1H + 1G + 4 Random A, M, H, G
Agate A 1X + 11A + 2M + 1H + 1G + 4 Random X, M, H, G
Milk M 1X + 1A + 11M + 2H + 1G + 4 Random X, A, H, G
Helix H 1X + 1A + 1M + 11H + 2G + 4 Random X, A, M, G
Garden G 2X + 1A + 1M + 1H + 11G + 4 Random X, A, M, H

Family genes are ordered from recessive to dominant which means Atlantis (X) is the rarest one while Garden (G) is the most common. Even though Genesis Genomes are not purebred, snails might evolve into purebreds through the reproduction process if they have 20 times the same gene.

# Purity

Purity is an indicator that shows the count of most common gene in snail's genetic sequence. Purity for a snail can be 4 at minimum and 20 at maximum.

  • For example; purity of a genesis snail is 11.

# If an offspring snail receives the two most common genes, which family would it belong to?

The snail will belong to the family which has the most dominant gene. Let's take a look at an example. If a snail has a 4X + 4A + 4M + 4H + 4G distribution in its genome, then it will belong to the Garden(G).